Valery Kostova
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to explore architecture as an applied art and to reveal the full range of intellectual property objects in architectural solutions, which is the topical issue in this article. The author identifies the objects "applied arts" and "architecture" and presents the interrelationship of architecture as applied art with the landscape architecture, urban environment and aesthetics of life. Examples of architectural solutions in the field of construction in Bulgaria are presented according to the data of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. As a result of the conducted research, the author forms a conclusion that the works of architecture as an applied art are an integral part of our daily lives and the environment for centuries, and that their economic realization contributes to the good functioning and development of creative activities, related to copyright protection, which are a prerequisite for the growth of the creative economy as a whole. Of paramount necessity, however, it is the objects of industrial property such as (design, invention, utility model, etc.) in the industrial realization of architectural solutions to be protected according to the legal framework in the country, and in case of economic interest and outside, it in order to achieve economic growth, market leadership through the registration form of objects of industrial property, as well as more reliable protection of architectural solutions. The article is structured as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Architecture as applied art 3. Protection of architectural solutions as intellectual property 4. Conclusion.
Key words: architecture; applied arts; architectural solutions; intellectual property; landscape architecture, aesthetics.
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