Yana Stoencheva
Abstract: The purpose of the present article is to explore possibilities of enhancement of the curriculum in the specialty „Real Estate Management” in the UNWE. To that aim, an extensive research has been conducted into 109 bachelor programmes in the area of real estate, offered by leading reputable international universities. A comparative analysis of the curriculums has been carried out that covers two main aspects. The first one focuses on the number of the mandatory and optional disciplines, the number of classes, and comparison between essential and specific management disciplines. The second aspect concentrates on analysis of the degree of concurrence in the titles of the study disciplines. We have discussed the possibilities for incorporating new disciplines, offered by foreign universities’ curriculums, in the UNWE’s study plans. We have suggested ways to update and modify the curriculum of the specialty “Management of Real Estate” in the UNWE
Key words: real estate, education, curriculum
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