Стефка Василева

Abstract: The real estate market is constantly evolving, agencies in the field are expanding their activities and the need for motivated brokers who are willing to develop, improve and achieve high results is ever greater. Motivation is a key factor that strongly influences the work behavior and performance of human resources. Motivation is a complex and continuous process that requires exploring the needs of human resources and using a wide range of motivating factors that match employees' motivational attitudes. This article aims to identify the factors that increase the motivation of real estate agents and the extent to which they are used by the management of the agencies in which they work. The empirical research was conducted in three real estate agencies. The tool for implementing the survey is universal, i.e. applicable in any real estate agency and makes it possible to identify the motivating factors that have the strongest influence on the motivation of brokers. By using the tool, it is possible to highlight the problem areas related to the motivation of brokers, the degree of correspondence between their motivational attitudes and the motivating factors used by the management and, if necessary, take actions to overcome the problem areas and reach a high level of motivation, which is the basis of qualitative and timely achievement of the desired goals and results.

Key words:motivation; motivating factors; real estate brokers

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