Росица Иванова

Abstract: Under the pre-crisis conditions until the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the construction sector in Bulgaria has developed by featuring high growth rate. The low interest rate and the increasing inflation can be outlined as the key drivers of such development. The Covid crisis in Bulgaria since March 2020 has caused adverse consequences to the construction and real estate sector during the year. This is mainly due to the following factors: disrupted supply of materials; measures undertaken by the government for limiting the spread of the pandemic; late support for the business; difficulties related to the ap- plication for and granting of aid for the business; refusal of construction companies to undertake new projects or to complete already undertaken projects; unstable political situation in the country, etc. All these make the development of the construction and real estate sector in the country under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic a very relevant issue. The object of study covers the business efficiency of leading enterprises in the construction and real estate sector. The subject of study refers to revenue, profit and staff number of leading enterprises in the construction and real estate sector in 2019 and 2020. Enterprises are classified in descending order in terms of their revenue growth rate in 2020 in comparison to 2019. Based on such classification, the author analyses and assesses the values of relative indicators, which characterize the business efficiency of the enterprises. For the purposes of the analysis, different methods have been used to study the absolute and relative indicators that characterize the business efficiency of enterprises in the construction and real estate sector.

Key words: construction; analysis; revenue; profit; profitability; methods.

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