Димитър Благоев

Abstract: The backbone of an economy is known to be micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and they are a factor in securing employment, income and economic growth. Another well-known fact is that innovative companies create added value on a larger scale than standard entrepreneurial initiatives, and in this direction are significantly more important for the economic growth of national economies. At the same time, however, research shows that significant innovations are created in large companies that have the resources and potential to absorb them in the direction of creating innovation. The association of these findings leads to the conclusion that an economy can rely on strong economic growth if it can (stimulate, motivate) most of its constituent economic entities (such as SMEs) to generate innovation and produce products and / or to provide high value added services. These businesses are known as Startup Companies, and in recent years, the fight has been focused on creating the right environment for them to set up and operate. A lot of things have been done in Bulgaria in this area, but interesting is the fact that this affects the existence of the Bulgarian Startup companies. The main purpose of the article is (1) to track the economic development of Bulgarian Startup companies; (2) to identify, on the basis of their economic results for a certain period of time, the future challenges facing the Bulgarian Startup ecosystem. For this purpose, methods such as monitoring, comparison, expert evaluation, etc. were used.

Key words: Startup, Innovation, SMEs, Economic Growth

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